Thank you for your support!
Noah did not have crossed eyes while we were in the hospital (our trip to the ER on March 14, 2020...see Hospital Visits) however approximately three days later this symptom presented itself. Most of our battle was heavily focused on managing his respiratory rate and since he is doing much better with that (May 10, 2020) we feel like it's a good time to start fixing this.
On occasion Noah will complain of blurry vision and from what we understand, that can be a result of the the crossed eyes.
Eye Patch:
We purchased an eye patch and started using it on May 8, 2020. We have been asking him to use it while watching TV and playing a game on the tablet for 10 min - 15 min intervals. We will do 2-3 intervals per day for the first week and then increase to 4-6 intervals.
What to expect:
Get a comfortable patch and expect it to be a little awkward in the beginning. I would strongly suggest you use it a few times before your child does so he can have a better understanding of how he/she will feel (I recommend this for everything...yes, everything but, remember, I'm not a doctor and it's probably not always the healthiest advice).
Noah takes a few moments to adjust after the patch comes off.
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